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oonite is a German well-being company advancing a hybrid wellness system. One where consumers, therapists, consultants, and companies come together to promote innovative well-being practices, highly customizable wellness treatments, and knowledge sharing. oonite’s objective is to create awareness, foster a global wellness community, and facilitate everyone’s self-discovery. Our number one goal is to create a transferable and constantly redefined wellness experience at home and work by providing innovative wellbeing solutions.


oonite brings a message of unity in well-being to the corporate sector. It also engages health supporters looking for a holistic methodology for their well-being. oonite emerges from the founders’ desire to craft an all-inclusive well-being experience that can be translated into every facet of people’s lives, whether at work or in their private lives. oonite offers a body management boutique, where it brings functional products, high-quality essential oils, and other related wellness products to market. Our main goal is to help you nourish your body while helping you improve your well-being at every level.

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